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Project of the Real-time Monitoring for Environmental Pollution Response in Yunlin County

This project on purpose to improve effectiveness of disaster prevention and response as well as preparedness for toxic chemical substance disasters in Yunlin county. So far, this project has been implemented in accordance with the project commissioned and executive methods. The primary results of this project are listed as follows: 1. Examining 84 plans of hazard prevention and response, and plans of operation for response equipment, detection and alarming equipment which company used toxic chemical substance got up to large-scale handling standard (more than 60 plans in project contract).Also, implemented 33 on-site explorations to inspect both of plans (more than 30 explorations in project contract). 2. Performing 23 company inspections for response equipment and information accurately in toxic chemical substances handling area (more than 20 inspections in project contract). 3. Performing 10 on-site tests of without notification in toxic chemical substance handling area (more than 8 tests in project contract). 4. Supporting 2 two chemical-related incidents in Yunlin County.
Toxic chemicals, Yunlin county, Chemical Hazard Rescue Vehicle